The Earth as Event. Painting interpelated by Cinema around the film "The Earth as Happening"
thought, earth, painting, cinema, allegory, metapoliticsAbstract
This communication comes within a project about the matters of the “Earth” that has unfolded in the investigation of the matters in the pictorial space and installation, entitled “The Earth as an Event”. The intentional refusal of the representation and of the narration and the use of the matters tend to shake the boundaries of the genres. For example, the accumulation of the inks leads to a thickness that makes it a near sculpture. Due to the essential muteness of the plastic arts, its transposition to the cinema of the three series in which this project is splited creates another space, which has its origin in the painting and allegorizes itself creating a kind of “new-Earth” (Deleuze), which extends the pictorial geo-aesthetically. It is a double movement, from the painting to the cinema and vice-versa, which illuminates the painting revealing the nature of the event of the Earth. The possibility of a new inhabit that always begins in a return to the most archaic, that is, “The Earth as an Event”. The produced archaic earth reveals the strategies of the power that has tried to dominate it during thousands of years.
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