The relationship between memory and place in women's cinema
art, image, technique, cinema, feminineAbstract
The contemporary art that we make establishes a very close relationship between memory and place, intertwined in its cinematographic aspect with the making of the image. This relationship has always been present in our work, and coincides with the objectuality of the materials and forms that we apprehend through different techniques, particularly photography, which reveals the possibility of the image taking off from the work, travelling through the space of reality in an erratic and nomadic way, and in particular cinema as an art of time and which works on time, revealing new possibilities in the making of the image, and in the artistic becoming of the image in our cinema. We will interrogate this concept of image-making, starting with the films The Earth as Event I and The Earth as Event II. The crisis of aesthetic genres, the loss of specificity of media, and the transmorphic power of art all come to a head through the image and its modes of production, which thus becomes an access route for understanding the experimental forms of contemporary art. This research into the relationship between memory and place in cinema will allow us to grasp the artistic strategy that guides [...].
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