Space and cultural identities in "CARGO"


  • José Ailson Lemos de Souza Universidade Estadual do Maranhão



Caribbean cinema, space, cultural identities, Kareem Mortimer


The aim of this work is to offer a brief study on Caribbean cultural identities represented in Cargo (2017), a film written and directed by Kareem Mortimer. For that purpose, we start by considering the production of Caribbean identities from Hall (1990), and how these categories are articulated as positionings according to Stam and Shohat (2016). Theoretical frame and criticism from a postcolonial perspective follows Prysthon (2014) and Bhabha (1992, 1998) discussions. The analysis about temporal continuities and discontinuities in the film are based on the notion of chronotope, a concept by Bakhtin (2010) and studied by Cohen (2006). And, in order to contextualize peripheral and Caribbean cinema, we highlight some points present in França (2006) and Hambuch
(2015), respectively. Cargo examines the legacy of colonization and the effects of economic exploration from images that balance stereotypes and clichés mainstream cinema often manipulate to account peripheral contexts. 


Bakhtin, M. (2010). Questões de Literatura e de Estética: A Teoria do Romance. São Paulo: Hucitec.

Bhabha, H. K. (1992). A Questão do “Outro”: Diferença, Discriminação e o Discurso do Colonialismo. Hollanda, H. B. (Org.). Pós-modernismo e Política. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco. pp. 177-203.

Bhabha, H. K. (1998). O local da cultura. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG.

Cohen, M. (2006). The Chronotopes of the Sea. Moretti, F. (ed.). The Novel. vol. 2. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

França, A. (2006). Cinema de terras e fronteiras. Mascarello, F. (Org.). História do cinema mundial. Campinas/SP: Papirus. pp. 395-412.

Hall, S. (1990). Cultural Identity and Diaspora. Rutherford, J. (Ed.). Identity: Community, Culture, Difference. London: Lawrence and Wishart. pp. 222-237.

Hambuch, D. (2015). Caribbean Cinema Now: Introduction. Imaginations 6:2, December, 7. pp. 4-9.

Prysthon, A. (2014). Teorizando o Terceiro Mundo: estudos culturais, pós-colonialismo, subalternidade. Oliveira, M. P., Pereira, M. M. S. & Carrascosa, D. (Orgs.).

Cartografias da subalternidade: diálogos no eixo sul-sul. Salvador: EDUFBA. pp. 99-118.

Stam R.; Shohat E. (2016). Critical Ethnic Studies, Identity Politics, and the Right-Left Convergence. Nada, E., et al. (Eds.). Critical Ethnic Studies: A Reader. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 416-434.


Mortimer, K. (Produtor & realizador). (2017). CARGO [Prime Video]. Bahamas: Best Ever Film Production Company.



How to Cite

Lemos de Souza, J. A. . (2020). Space and cultural identities in "CARGO". Cinema &Amp; Território, 1(5), 146–155.


