The intellectual and the people: media, press and territory of Trás-os-Montes after the Revolution
representation of the territory, aesthetics of materials, folklore, culture and peripheryAbstract
Throughout the history of Portuguese cinema there has been an analytic interest for closed communities outside the cities’ urban perimeter. However, from Leitão de Barros and his discovery of Nazaré, in the beginning of the last century, to António Reis and Margarida Cordeiro, in Trás-os-Montes, something changed in the representations of the territory and its uses. A historical and cultural contextualisation of the situation of the population who lived in that territory can help to better understand the passage from “folklore” to “memory”. The peculiar path of the film Trás-os-Montes (1976), by Reis and Cordeiro, shows the materialisation of poetry into images using the territory of the villages, their uses and costumes. This ethnofiction will consider the articles written at the time of the film’s premiere. Using the concept of Community preventive censure (Jakobson), this article aims to analyse the relation, created by the film in Trás-os-Montes, between the intellectual and the people.
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