The Earth as Happening
earth, space, material, painting, geophilosophyAbstract
After having learned several extensional perspectives of Earth/Space, and of having captured different materials of the Earth, which have been deepened and diffused in our personal artistic project called “The Earth as an Event”, build in the painting, installation, photography and film dimensions, we set off to a continuity of the methodological discourse, the one that draws together the ontological connotations with the space and material, determining, thus, the creation of new boundaries, that is, determining an encounter with the desterritorialisation between geography, topology and philosophy. Special concepts particularly significant to the reflection about contemporary arts and about our art specifically; as a way to articulate the special boundaries with which art confronts itself, especially this art with materials of the Earth, and the way to conceptually limit the distribution of the images of the thought in space, to establish its drawing and inscribe itself afterwards in a similar articulation, the one that potentially apprehends the spatiality within other reflection, the geophilosophical one, thus allowing the idea of the substance of the world become the main theme to the inscription of these notions in our essay.
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