The Earth as Event II


  • Romy Castro



thought, territory, matter, form, image and transduction


The artistic and geophilosophical project "The Earth as Event", in its cinematographic aspect, problematises the relationship between the Earth and nature. It is a transdisciplinary project which, in essence, leads to the emergence of new images of the Earth, questioning the historically and ethologically marked notion of territory. It is increasingly felt that the territorial logic that captures the earth is reaching a critical moment, of which the climate crisis and the entry into the Anthropocene are an important indication. In the film "The Earth as Event II", through its use of materials and the transduction of the arts it develops, it operates a deterritorialisation, accentuating the displacement of materials and questioning them in their almost pre-human originality. Only cinema has the ability to deterritorialise the logic of historical borders, without illusory reterritorialisation. The appearance of the earth in its elementality as cinema gives it place without dominating it, crossed with phrases that are also nomadic, which punctuate the video, opens up political possibilities for thinking about the relationship with the earth and the community of those who inhabit it. This is a creative expression that aims to intervene and give visibility to other possibilities for inhabiting the Earth. [...].


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How to Cite

Castro, R. (2023). The Earth as Event II. Cinema &Amp; Território, (8), 173–183.



International Cinema & Territory Meeting