"Persepolis": 'secularity' and femininity between 'West' and 'East'
secularism, femininity, cinema, East, WestAbstract
In this article, we attempt to perform an anthropological exercise on the constitution process of the difference between "West" and "East" considering in the first place, the deprivation of female freedom in public spaces revealed in the animated movie Persépolis. The cinematic language is well known for being more efficient in the global dissemination of symbols that bring up to date the opposition between "East" and "West". We selected this movie because it is an autobiography written and directed by a woman (Marjore Satrapi) raised in Iran during the Islamic regime and her path legitimizes the movie as a manifestation of the "oriental" point of view. Considering at the core of the movie the opposition between the following matching pairs: "West = secularism vs East = Islamic State" we wonder if it would be possible to say that Persépolis is a graphic production about the symbolic division between "East" and "West" elaborated from a "non-Western" perspective. We conclude that the film expresses a political criticism of women’s restricted space in the "East" ruled by the "West" standpoint, without underestimating that this review is based on the “laïcité” concept of the French regime.
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