"The Unlikely President" (2022): the legacy of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso


  • Cristiane Pimentel Neder




president, democracy, politics, documentary


The documentary O Presidente Improvável (Franca, 2022) tells us how the social scientist Fernando Henrique Cardoso came to power. One of the Brazilian presidents who was re-elected and who balanced the national economy with the Real Plan. His legacy is mixed with that of Brazilian democracy, being present at the main events that overthrew the military dictatorship. With testimonials from great thinkers, lifelong friends and political friends of international expression, the documentary shows how an intellectual rose to power unintentionally. The documentary directed by Belisário Franca is a work that gives us the dimension of the trajectory of a great statesman, who divides between following an academic career or politics, or both at the same time, between living in exile or returning to help in the redemocratization of the country. In this text, we analyse the path and the work of FHC.


Arendt, H. (2010). Sobre a Violência (2ª ed.). Civilização Brasileira.

Belisário Franca. https://academiabrasileiradecinema.com.br/socios-acad/belisario-


Bobbio, N. (2006). O Futuro da Democracia. Paz e Terra.

Giddens, A. (2001). A Terceira Via e seus críticos. Record.

Pavese, C.B. (2004). A Terceira Via. Mosaico Social - UFSC, v. 2, 241-247.


Rodante, J. et al. (2022). O Presidente Improvável [Filme]. Globoplay.



How to Cite

Neder, C. P. (2023). "The Unlikely President" (2022): the legacy of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Cinema &Amp; Território, (8), 129–140. https://doi.org/10.34640/c.t8uma2023neder



International Cinema & Territory Meeting