Body language dynamics in "Pina Bausch. Lissabon Wuppertal Lisbon"


  • Teresa Norton Dias Doutoranda em Relações Interculturais, UAb, Lisboa CEMRI/UAb



Pina Bausch, Fernando Lopes, documentary, Tanztheater, corporal mediation


Fernando Lopes is the director of Pina Bausch. Lissabon Wuppertal Lisbon. In 1997, when Pina Bausch was in Lisbon for a three-week 'artistic residence', Fernando Lopes accompanied the creative process. During this period, the Portuguese director recorded on video, in a documentary work that he would come to call Pina Bausch. Lissabon Wuppertal Lisbon (1998), the contributions and reactions of a group of artists that would integrate the cast of Masurca Fogo (1998) - piece that Pina Bausch created from that residency and that was premiered in Lisbon, in May 1998, on the occasion of the Expo 100 Days Festival. It is a work developed from the contributions of the actor-dancers and the actress-dancers, through a language that uses the body as a mediator, of which we will show some examples.


Belting, H. (2014). Antropologia da Imagem. Lisboa: KKYM + EAUM.

Centro Cultural de Belém (1998). Masurca Fogo [Programa]. Lisboa: CCB.

Deleuze, G. (2015) [1985]. A Imagem-tempo. Cinema 2. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim.

Laginha, A. (1998, maio 13). A luminosidade mestiça de Lisboa. Correio da Manhã, p.35.

Oliveira, S. (1998, maio 10). Entrevista: Fernando Lopes. Notícias Magazine/Diário de Notícias, pp. 48-52.

Ribeiro, J. da S. (2003). Métodos e Técnicas de investigação em Antropologia. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.


Ceitil, R. (Prod.) & Lopes, F. (Real.). (2006) [1998]. Pina Bausch. Lissabon Wuppertal Lisboa [DVD]. Portugal: Midas Filmes.

Mourão, C. (Prod.) & Rodrigues, C. (Real.). (1997). As Mulheres do Batuque [VHS]. Lisboa: Cinequanon.



How to Cite

Norton Dias, T. (2019). Body language dynamics in "Pina Bausch. Lissabon Wuppertal Lisbon". Cinema &Amp; Território, (4), 42–49.


