"Grotesque happiness". Otherness and myth in the video clip of the nineties


  • Pau Pascual Galbis Universidade da Madeira, Portugal




Grotesc-body, myth, music video, aesthetics, 90’s, Nine Inch Nails


The article is about investigation on the somatic otherness of the 90’s music videos under the prism of anthropology. It looks for similarities between the poetics of ritual, aesthetics, culture and audiovisual art. It highlights the grotesque bodies associated with myth that are hidden in certain musical productions. Happiness in slavery (1992) a music video of Nine Inch Nails directed by Jon Reiss is analysed as a developed model study.


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Filmografia / Videografia

Happiness in slavery de Nine Inch Nails, Jon Reiss, dir. (Interscope, 1992), [videoclip].

Tetsuo, Shinya Tsukamoto, dir. (Kaijyu Theatres, 1989) [filme]

Hellraiser, Clive Barker, dir. (Film Futures, 1987) [filme]



How to Cite

Pascual Galbis, P. (2016). "Grotesque happiness". Otherness and myth in the video clip of the nineties. Cinema &Amp; Território, 1(1), 134–140. https://doi.org/10.34640/universidademadeira2016pascualgalbis


