"The Girl Chewing Gum" by John Smith: document and fiction
cinema, experimentalism, documentary, fiction, reflexivity, diegesisAbstract
This article analyses the short film The Girl Chewing Gum (John Smith, 1976) placing it in the context of experimental trend to which it is associated, linked to the structural cinema. The film is, in first place, a document of the director's gaze about the reality of common day-to-day situations, but it's much more than that because the voice that the director overlaps on the shot modify, in a disruptive way, the pro-filmic material. The "territory" of the film is thus deconstructed in ironic and radical way. To what extent is image, as a real document, transformed and "fictionalized" by the gaze (and voice) of the director? All cinema does that, certainly, but John Smith exposes this specific cinematic "territory", with a reflective and deconstructive attitude that takes viewers back to this oldest and essential question: what is cinema?
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