The community faced with powers: resistance and social reflexivity
community, territory, resistance, social reflexivity, cinematographic productionAbstract
We take as reference 3 films in which people react against the instituted powers resisting for decades, raising and solidifying community building process and local culture. The first film Tous au Larzac! (2011) by Christian Rouaud, documents the contemporary story of farmers struggling for over a decade (1971-81) for land tenure and against expropriation resulting from the decision of the French Ministry of Defence to expand the military base in the Larzac region of southern France and the process of building a community around struggle and resistance. O second film, Finding our way (2011), by Giovanni Attili and Leonie Sandercock, accompanied by a powerful hypermedia device of unavoidable pedagogical and social reflexivity, tells the story of a people dispossessed of its territory and territory and of the still unresolved conflicts of the indigenous peoples with industry and the Canadian governments in British Columbia. The third film, Boe Ero Kurireu - The Great Bororo Tradition (2007) by Paulinho Ecerae Kadojeba proposes to register the Bororo culture from its own culture. [...]
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