The (self) documentary poetics of Patrício Gúzman


  • Elis Crokidakis Castro
  • Luiz Antonio Monteiro CAMPOS



documentary, history, memory, autobiograph


By delving into 3 films by Patricio Guzmán, A Nostalgia da Luz (2010), O Botão de Nácar (2015) e A Cordilheira dos Sonhos (2019) we will reflect on his way of telling the history of Chile and especially his own history, making that his films are more than a Chilean family album, but a personal album of the filmmaker, configuring his creation as a kind of autobiographical documentary. Our objective goes through the analysis of the images brought by the filmmaker that will be studied by us in terms of their unique innovation that builds their poetics, bringing to their narrative elements that suggest that their films, in addition to being historical, are also autobiographical.


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How to Cite

Castro, E. C. ., & Campos, L. A. M. . (2023). The (self) documentary poetics of Patrício Gúzman. Cinema &Amp; Território, (8), 62–71.