The film "Hoje eu quero voltar sozinho" and the artistic challenge in the presence of plurality and homosexual sensibility in the use of post-modernity provocations
cinema, territories, LGBT, adolescent homosexuality, social taboosAbstract
The article proposes to analyze the film, Hoje eu quero voltar sozinho, by filmmaker Daniel Ribeiro. The analysis is based on the panorama of gender and the valorization of LGBT identity in the cinematographic space. The suggestion of the article is proposed to reflect on the theme of homosexuality among adolescents, and issues related to humiliation at school, problems regarding the insertion of people with special needs in traditional formal education, the discoveries of adolescence regarding love, and the fear of parents facing the challenges and desires of these immature adolescents in the contemporary space. Thus, we also noticed in the adaptation a variety of themes inserted in the film script, and relevant to the initial theme of the discovery of homosexuality in the adolescent phase and in the comparative process of the works there is a division of opinions between the search for financial independence and the discovery of love, besides the duality of feelings, the search for an international exchange in order to get rid of the fear of disappointing the family before the option. The work presents the importance of the problematic theme that is little explored, with touches of creativity, subtlety, and artistic dexterity [...].
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