The ethics of looking at a tree


  • Fernando Baños-Fidalgo Profesor en el Centro Universitario de Artes TAI, Madrid, Doctor en Bellas Artes, Universidad Complutense de Madrid



image, memory, post-memory, archive, trivialisation, ethics


In The Generation of Postmemory, Marianne Hirsch describes "postmemory" as the relationship that the "generation after" the Holocaust bears to the personal, collective, and cultural trauma of those who came before, to experiences that were transmitted so deeply and affectively – by means of the stories, images, and behaviors among which they grew up – as to "seem" to constitute memories in their own right. However, at a time when most of the Holocaust survivors have already died, another kind of individual memory takes place. It is that of the generations who, despite not having those experiences, have established some kind of link with the trauma through its images (and its representations) that contribute (as historical, literary or artistic work) to recontextualize a past that has never to be forgotten.


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Bremner, A. (ed) (2007). Chris Marker. Staring Back. Ohio: Werner Centre for the Arts, The Ohio State University.

Crane, S. A. (2008). “Choosing not to Look: Representation, Repratiation, and Holocaust Atrocity Photography” en History and Theory, 47(3): 309-330. Visto online en:

Hirsch, M. (2015). La generación de la posmemoria. Escritura y cultura visual después del holocausto. Madrid: Carpe Noctem.

Llopis, R. (2014). “En busca del paraíso perdido” en Lovecraf, H.P. (2014) Viajes al otro mundo. Ciclo de aventuras oníricas de Randolph Carter. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

Sontag, S. (2008). Sobre la fotografía. Barcelona: Debolsillo.

Sontag, S. (2010). Ante el dolor de los demás. Barcelona: Debolsillo.



How to Cite

Baños-Fidalgo, F. (2018). The ethics of looking at a tree . Cinema &Amp; Território, 1(3), 86–91.